Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First House Shopping Dream!

 So last night I had the most hilarious dream. It wasn't funny while it was happening- but when I woke up, I did have to scold myself for being so silly.

 The husband and I live in NYC right now and we are looking to move to the burbs- more specifically in the town or adjacent towns of where he works in the burbs. The town where he works happens to be amazing- great schools, great houses, great people. But of course- the houses are worth all that awesomeness. We've found a few in that town- but also a few beautiful houses right at the borderline of the aforementioned "great" town and of course- the town with a "reputation". Since the few beautiful houses are so close to the "great" town, the area is still nice. But travel about 6 blocks north, and it gets a little cray cray. We're ok with this since we won't really ever be going north. But that didn't stop my imagination.

 MY DREAM- me, the husband and the dog are walking to the house we're going to visit. (Walking because these particular houses are walking distance from the husbands job) Only as we start walking down the block, its a war zone. There's a tent city and what I thought was two dead bodies, but turned out to be two people sleeping. As we continued along, there was a gathering at a corner bodega where something was going on- someone falling or something like that. I kept thinking to myself- "But I saw on Google Maps that this street looked nice! We just have to make it to the next block and then it'll be all nice houses!" End of silly dream.

 LOL The fear of an ugly neighborhood has infiltrated my brain! Oh geez- I cant wait to see theses particular houses in person to get this nonsense off my mind!

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