Saturday, May 12, 2012

Is this the baby blogging band wagon?

Oh hey... Is this the baby blogging band wagon? ... Yes, I'm here- and hopefully to stay! A lot has been going on with me lately and it feels like a good time to start documenting. We recently moved out of our cute little apartment (cute is as much as I'll compliment it) back to the husband's family house where his mother and aunt live. We will be spending the next couple of months saving and looking for a house to buy. This is definitely not the most ideal living situation since I already feel like I'm living in the TV show "Everybody Loves Raymond" except in this version- the mother and daughter in law don't speak the same language. Oh life.

Today was a good day of sorts. It is CD 1 which can be a Boo or Hooray depending on how you look at it, but it came with a nice surprise. I realized that CD12- when I usually ovulate- will fall right smack in the middle of our vacation coming up in a week. And where are we going? Disney World baby!! We can sure use some of the famous Disney magic that week! And funny enough- CD12 is the day we've chosen to go to Magic Kingdom! Fingers will be crossed that entire week!! I am a total Disney geek so waiting for next week is going to be the ultimate test of my patience. And it's the husband's first trip to Disney World so I'm really, really pumped.

And after all the stress of moving- we just need to get out of New York!